• How to become a member?

    • Register a new account,and you will become a Baby Blue member.
  • What are the levels of membership?

    • Baby Blue Member
      • Sign up and you can become a baby blue Member
      • Permanent
      • No need to accumulate
      • You will recieve one $100 discount coupon.
      • None
      • Irregularly received promotion information
    • Denim Blue Member
      • Spend over $10,000 in an order, or spending $30,000 in one year
      • Valid for one year from the promotion date
      • Spend over $20,000 within one year from the upgrade date, you can enjoy one-year membership renewal and get a $500 discount coupon.
      • Upgrade and get $500 discount coupon.
      • BIRTHDAY REWARD: Celebrate your birthday month with a 10% special discount
      • 1. Exclusive discount- enjoy unique offers throughout the year.
        Enjoy exclusive entry to our private early access featuring the latest must have item
    • Royal Blue Member
      • Spend over $20,000 in an order, or spending $50,000 in one year
      • Valid for one year from the promotion date
      • Spend over $40,000 within one year from the upgrade date, then you can enjoy one-year membership renewal and get 2 $500 discount coupons.
      • Upgrade and get 2 $500 discount coupon.
      • BIRTHDAY REWARD: Celebrate your birthday month with a 15% special discount
      • 1.Exclusive discount- enjoy unique offers throughout the year
        Enjoy exclusive entry to our private early access featuring the latest must have item
        3.Enjoy exclusive gift on special day throughout the year
        4.For offline event: Enjoy early access to our private event and exclusive offers
  • How to calculated the membership validity period?

    • Membership is valid for one year from the date of upgrade. During this period, if you get the upgrade again, it will be recalculated for one year.
    • When the membership level has expired, the new membership level will be recalculated according to the consumption amount during the validity period of the membership level.

    • Membership gift: Register to get a $100 discount coupon. (Except for group purchase products, by DOE products, chest patches, chest pads, socks and other products), the use period is one month, and only 1 discount coupon can be used per order. The discount code cannot be transferred to others for use.
    • Member upgrade discount coupon: The system will automatically return it to your account the day after the upgrade and can be used when placing your next order. It is valid for one year and must be spent over $2,000 before it can be used (excluding consignment products, group purchase products, by DOE products such as bra patches, chest pads, socks, etc.). Only 1 discount coupon can be used per order. The discount code cannot be transferred to others for use.
      • Upgrade discount coupons are sent at the best discount. For example: if a Baby Blue member is promoted to a Royal Blue member and 2 $500 discount coupons are sent, 1 $500 discount coupon for the denim upgrade gift will no longer be sent.
      • If the order returned does not meet the qualifications for upgrade, the upgrade discount coupon will be withdrawn; if the discount coupon has been used before the return, the amount of the discount coupon of equal value will be deducted from the return amount.
    • Member's birthday discount coupon: automatically returned to the account on the 1st of the birthday month, one for each membership, and can only be used within the birthday month, and can only be used once per person per order. If you have received a birthday discount coupon in your birthday month, but your qualification is upgraded in the same month, the upgraded birthday discount will be used on your birthday the following year. (Discount code will not be refunded after return)
      (If you fill in your birthday in the middle of your birthday month, it will be automatically returned to your account the next day.)

    • Member birthday discounts are not applicable to consignment products, group purchase products, markup single products, Sale area discounts and other products. Choose the best for monthly activities and member birthday discounts.
    • Membership renewal discount coupon: automatically returned to your account the next day after successful membership renewal. It is valid for one year and must be spent over $2,000 before it can be used (excluding consignment products, group purchase products, by DOE products such as bra patches, chest pads, socks, etc.). Only 1 discount coupon can be used per order. The discount code cannot be transferred to others for use.
    • Membership-related discounts such as membership gifts, upgrade discount coupons, birthday discount coupons, membership renewal discount coupons, etc. can only be used in one purchase, and multiple membership discounts cannot be used in the same order. The above discount codes will not be refunded after the return. In addition, if the amount after the return does not reach the discount code requirement threshold, the amount of the discount coupon of equal value will be deducted from the return amount.
    * STUDIO DOE reserves the right to change or add to the membership policy. Effective immediately after the announcement on the official website