「極簡女王」、「最懂女人的設計師」是Phoebe Philo身上最鮮明的標誌,她自2018年卸任Céline創意總監後,動態備受關注,大家都期待她能回歸時尚圈。終於在今年二月,於社群平台宣布將在九月推出個人同名品牌,並且七月已開放於官方網站PhoebePhilo.com註冊會員。消息一出,立刻在時尚圈掀起熱議,可見大家對Phoebe Philo的設計有多麼期待。

Phoebe Philo的設計之所以如此迷人,是因為她真正將自己的生活哲學、人生理念融入於設計中,所以她的作品是有靈魂的,從而引領一股別具魅力的時髦風格,在時尚產業佔據一方不敗地位。她曾說:「對我來說,終極的衣櫥就是一件白襯衫、一條黑褲子、一條裙子。也許是三件外套,兩件夾克,一雙高跟鞋,一雙平底鞋,一雙運動鞋。一款包,也許還有一條圍巾。」簡單一句話就清晰傳遞她的時尚哲學。

Phoebe Philo backstage (Photo by Gruber/WireImage)

“I want to show my personality through my designs and stay anonymous outside the industry.”

“To offer women something that feels more about investing in something and less about being disposable is a complete corrective to the world we live in.”

“Build a wardrobe rather than focusing on trends. ”

“I’m not interested in clothes that just convey a certain look or fashion. Clothes for me have always been a form of self-expression.”

“Time is my biggest luxury. Finding time to do things outside of fashion, which I think for a designer is incredibly important.”

“The older I get, and the more collections I do, the more I’m driven by real style and beauty.”

“I am not a big fan of women being sexualized through clothes.”

“Women should have choices, and women should feel good in what they wear.”

“The chicest thing is when you don’t exist on Google.”

“I have an innate fear of fame. I’ve never thought being famous looked like such a good place to be. I love being incognito.”

“My aim is to reveal and not to display women.”

“Everybody is trying to be so trendy. I think not being trendy should be the next trend.”

“When I find a look that I like, that’s my entire wardrobe.

這些經典名言,傳遞Phoebe Philo所抱持的人生哲學。她的低調展現在簡約的設計風格上,反而在追求浮華的時尚圈更顯獨特。Phoebe Philo的設計不只是設計,而是一種經得起時間考驗的精神。